A friendly amateur orchestra with a wide and varied repertoire
Resident Conductor: Patricia Brierley
Ilkley New Horizons Orchestra has spaces for new members.
We meet from 2-4 on Friday afternoons at the Clarke Foley Centre in Ilkley and our players come from all over North and West Yorkshire and even bits of Lancashire.
We don’t give concerts (except at Christmas); we just meet to explore all kinds of music and have fun playing together.
Most of our members are retired, but you don’t have to be. Some of us are late-starters, some haven’t played for years, some are playing a different instrument to the one they learned as a child, and others just want to keep making music as long as they can even if they feel they’re not what they were 20 years ago.
We’re welcoming and non-judgemental. We all know the importance of keeping our brains and social lives active as we age, so come on, dust off that instrument case and come along for a play.
If you want to check us out before committing you’d be welcome to grab a cuppa from the centre’s cafe, have a listen, and chat to us in our break.
If you are interested, see the Contact page for ways to get in touch.

The Ilkley New Horizons Orchestra is registered charity no. 1008919